Geiger Family – Watercolor Beach Family Photographer

This session was very special to Shelli! Her long time clients from Marietta, Georgia had heard Shelli talk about 30A for years. They decided to take the plunge and vacation there this summer. The majority of the week they were on hurricane watch, but the night of their session was ABSOLUTELY BEAUITFULl!

Thank you Geiger Family for always trusting Shelli to capture your memories. We hope 30A turns out to be your new vacation spot!!


DiGiorgio Family – Rosemary Beach Family Beach Photographer

There is something uniquely special about seeing multiple generations of family together, especially when it is apparent how much they love one another.

This family from Atlanta, Georgia is TRULY SPECIAL because the reason for this sweet photo session was to celebrate the 60th Wedding Anniversary of their parents & grandparents.

The Digiorgio Family was such a delight.  Shelli enjoyed capturing all the love, admiration and special bond shared within the entire family. It is easy to see they really have fun together and have been for a long time!


Shelli Allen Photography will be announcing some special dates for minisessions in the Atlanta Area and openings on 30A for Christmas Cards in 2017.




White Family – 30A Watercolor Beach Family Photographer

What a TREAT for these grandparents to have their family all together this summer in Watercolor Beach, Florida!  It is no small feat to get everyone together in one place, even if it is the beach!

But it is totally worth it!!!

Clients say it isn’t always easy to plan for a photoshoot, but every single time it is never regretted. You can’t bring back the Summer of 2016. I’m thankful this family took the time to document it for many years to come!


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