by Shelli Allen | Mar 30, 2017 | 30A, Florida, Graduation, Natural Light, Outdoor, Photographer, Photography, Senior, Shelli Allen Photography, Uncategorized, Young Adult |
Meet sweet Katelyn. She is one of Shelli’s girls from the youth group she spends time with each week. In Shelli’s words, here is a little bit about Katelyn.
“I see a special group of girls weekly during their high school years and they steal my heart… then it’s time to say goodbye and it’s NOT easy.
Katelyn is a special girl. She came to my church youth group 3 years ago. I remember the day she walked in so shy and quiet, meek and mild. Kaitlyn and I have been become very close over the years and I was honored to photograph her senior session.
Without a doubt in my mind, I know Katelyn will go far and I could not be prouder for her.”

by Shelli Allen | Feb 12, 2017 | 30A, Beach, Child, Family, Florida, Free Spirit, Happy, Kids, Lifestyle, Natural Light, Photographer, Photography, Rosemary, Shelli Allen Photography |
This family of 10 was a complete joy to photograph.
These kids were the most respectful kids! The way Mom and Dad reacted and parented was such a beautiful witness. These kids had utmost respect for their parents.
Since photographing this sweet family, I’ve followed their journey and have been simply amazed!
Mom and Dad own an adoption company called “Faithful Adoption Consultants“. Their hearts are huge!!! Go follow them and be amazed, just like I have been! True disciples of Christ!!!

by Shelli Allen | Jan 9, 2017 | 30A, Alys, Color, Florida, Free Spirit, Natural Light, Outdoor, Personality, Photographer, Photography, Senior, Shelli Allen Photography, Young Adult |
I so enjoyed photographing this little beauty. She was such a joy!
We had two sessions in two different locations to capture exactly what this Senior loved.
Growing up living on the beach here on 30A was important to capture for sure. She loves the water, her dogs, and her memories of life here.
And who doesn’t love the look of Alys Beach!!
Her Mom really want this to be special and capture her sweet soul. I always tell my Seniors and their families when we are planning beforehand to think what you love, what you want to remember. Then… let me dive in and capture it for you!!
I love my job and I especially love to see the reactions on faces when they see those they hold near and dear captured.
– Shelli –

by Shelli Allen | Dec 13, 2016 | 30A, Beach, Child, Color, Family, Florida, Happy, Kids, Lifestyle, Natural Light, Outdoor, Personality, Photographer, Photography, Shelli Allen Photography, Watercolor |
Shelli was so excited to photograph this crew. This lovely mother wanted an organic feel with beautiful light.
Shelli has gotten to know this sweet Mom living on 30A and she is the most beautiful soul. She adores her children and it shows in every way. By simply enjoying them, she treasures the ins and outs of daily life. She is a beautiful witness every time Shelli sees her.
Her Mom is a photographer, as well, and was able to get on the other end of the camera.
It was a perfect day!
Enjoy this holiday season!!

by Shelli Allen | Nov 29, 2016 | Atlanta, Baby, Child, Color, Family, Georgia, Lifestyle, magazine, Marietta, Natural Light, Shelli Allen Photography, Travel, Uncategorized |
It’s always so nice to go back to my roots of Atlanta where I lived and worked for so many years.
It’s a breath of fresh air.
I live in paradise on 30A but there’s something particularly special about going back home. I love the feel of crisp Fall air in Atlanta this time of year. Plus, I get to see all of the beautiful Autumn leaves. But mainly, I treasure all of my relationships from years past and it’s always so special to visit again.
It was a beautiful Fall afternoon for the McGill family. The light was so pretty and the colorful leaves made me so happy! They’re such a striking family. I am grateful to be able to document their memories and their precious new baby boy, Crews. Best of all, Sister Morgan was such a proud little sister and helped me so much!!

by Shelli Allen | Oct 26, 2016 | 30A, Alys, Color, Free Spirit, Natural Light, Senior, Shelli Allen Photography, Uncategorized |
We absolutely love to photograph Seniors.
This beauty came to 30A specifically for her Senior portraits and we were thrilled.
Your Senior year is such a special time. There is so much to look forward to… and we love to document it!