Do you remember this little guy, FINN? He has grown so much and is the typical EASY GOING 3rd child.. he rolls with the punches!

This session, sister and brother jumped in and boy did we have FUN!!

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Artist Mom Laura and I went back and forth for weeks on this FUN LOOK she had going!  She is SOO CREATIVE and I JUMPED all over this COLOR!! When I saw the clothing options, I was sooo EXCITED!

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This is ZOE..

She is S-P-U-N-K-Y! I heart this little sunshine.  Everytime I see her she has on some fun headband or fun tights and the biggest smile. The little sunshine has STYLE at the young age of 4!  Imagine that? I wonder where she gets it from? HMMM…

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This is HENRY

He was so very excited to play with me and would have climbed a tree OR a fence post if I had asked him.  He is not short on looks himself!

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We jumped, played, ran, laughed, sang.  We did it ALL.  Playmate Shelli slept WELL that night.

Here is a little “behind the scenes” shot.. Little Finn rolling with the punches!


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