30A Holiday Mini Sessions – 30A Photographer

Shelli Allen Photography is proud to announce several days for mini sessions in the 30A area!

Get a jump start and book your session with Shelli NOW!!!  ANNNNNDDD… You even get a little discount on your cards if you place your order early.

Check out the details below.

Make sure you don’t miss that picture perfect moment!

For more information or to make an appointment, contact Molly at molly@shelliallenphotography.com or 770.547.4797.


2013 Holiday Mini Sessions – Atlanta, Marietta & 30A Photographer

It is just about that time of year…Christmas Card Season!

What? In September? Really?


For all you early birds out there, it is time to get a jump start and book your session with Shelli NOW!!! (Hint: You even get a little discount on your cards if you place your order early)  Details are below. More dates for the 30A Area and other mini session locations will be announced at a later date. Stay tuned.

Make sure you have your spot reserved!

For more information or to make an appointment, contact Molly at molly@shelliallenphotography.com or 770.547.4797.


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Shelli Allen Photography